musicology #83

sixartist,sixtune,sixweekspecial #6

(Sam Cooke – A Change Is Going To Come

had to be this one to finish up the Sam Cooke tribute. one from themusicologist’s top10 tunes of all time, regardless of genre…

another quote from the excellent book about Sam Cooke, (Dream Boogie), by Peter Guralnick

“He had given Rene Hall the ‘civil rights’ song he had played for J.W (Alexander), with no specific instructions other than to provide it with the kind of instrumentation and orchestration that it demanded. Rene was in no doubt as to the momentousness of the charge.

“I wanted it to be the greatest thing in my life……..”

’nuff said…

musicology #80

sixartist,sixtune,sixweekspecial Sam Cooke Bonus #3

(Sam Cooke – Nobody Wants You When You’re Down & Out)

I know there are many out there who will be relating to and feeling this. no doubt that globally things are ‘coming on top’ for the man on the street and while the rich get richer “the little that the poor man got it shall be taken away”

‘Boom And Bust’ baby…crash and burn .. my advice….fiddle this one while Rome burns.

song written by Jimmy Cox, recorded for Sam’s 1961 album ‘My Kind Of Blues”
(Hugo & Luigi production)

musicology #77

sixartist,sixtune,sixweekspecial # 3

(Sam Cooke – Nobody Knows)

continuing the sixartistweek selection with the third cut from Mr Soul. This one taken from his 1963 album ‘Night Beat’. for themusicologist a special album that helped get me through darkest days … what turned out to sadly be a prophetic song for Sam that I like to think helped him as much as it did me…

a tear jerker that never fails to touch the soul.

musicology #76

sixartist,sixtune,sixweekspecial #2

(Sam Cooke – Let The Good Times Roll)

talk about synchronicity…themusicologist was reminded that today is Sam Cooke’s 77th birthday, (thanks erik), so it’s got to be this one from 1963.

yet another imperious, inspiring slice of over proof musicology from Mr Soul….overflowing with feeling. reminding us to ‘let the good times roll’ no matter what your current predicament which, bearing in mind the circumstances that surround his life at this time, makes it even more inspiring. recorded in December after the 25th take I do believe…such was the desire to ‘get in the groove’.

Mr Cooke …. your message is coming over loud and clear.

is that Bobby Womack harmonising?? Bob if you’re out there let us know..