musicology #195

teachings of billionaire YenTzu #5

(Beres Hammond – Focusing Time)

Guiding The Horse, (Governing Your Willpower)

The horse reared in fright as the shrouded man walked unexpectedly onto the path and startled it.

‘Ho there,’ gried the carriage driver, struggling to regain control of his animal. ‘What devil does such a thing! What do you think you are doing suddenly appearing like that?’

‘In peace, I am no devil, moreover, if there were a demon it is within your hand, creating a reign of terror upon unsuspecting travellers,’ answered the man.

‘You are either a sage or a simpleton, speaking as you do,’ said the carraige driver. ‘The former I’ll wager, for any fool can see that this powerful horse has been finely trained and is well harnessed,’

‘Of what good is the strength of a horse and the control of a harness, if the direction of the will guiding the driver’s hand is elsewhere?’ said the sage. ‘It is clear that you are on this road against your will.’

‘What nonsense do you speak of?’ retorted the carraige driver, wondering how the sage had hit upon the truth with his last remark. ‘Explain yourself, or you’ll feel the lash of more than my tongue!’

‘The fine carraige in which you sit can be likened to the body; the powerful horse to your feelings and desires; you, as driver, are like the mind; and your will is the master of them all. Will is the development of a wish, the command that turns a wish into an action. It is clear that you have no wish to travel wherever you now go, because your will was not ready for the unexpected. The unexpected is the test of true constancy, Man’s self-governing key. You did not wish this trip, so, your will lacked the tenacity, steadfastness, stability and fortitude that a road such as this demands. A resolute will has power, control and direction working together. When man lacks this unity, his lack of will is plain for all to see, no matter how he may disguise it.’

‘In truth I have no desire to make this trip,’ said the carraige driver. ‘But the will of my master is such that I have no choice, though in my heart I know misfortune will come of the business I am ordered to do.’

‘It is indeed far easier to train a wild beast than educate one’s own will to perform, because of Man’s uncertainty as to what he really wants,’ replied the sage. ‘That is why Man continues to yield the power of his own will to the will of others and calls it destiny.’