musicology #84

sixartist,sixtune,sixweekspecial #7

(Small Faces feat Steve Marriott – Afterglow)

this week it’s all about the legend known as Steve Marriott. Small Faces/Humble Pie/Packet Of Three/Official Receivers front man who’s musical, vocal and performing talents were ten times larger than his physical stature. Following in the footsteps of original London Boy Joe Brown it was ‘little Stevie’, (together with the rest of the Small Faces), that put an authentic London sound on the musical map.

This cut, (one of Steves personal favourites), is taken from the ground breaking LP Ogdens ‘ Nut Gone‘ Flake named in deference to the rolling tobacco, (Ogdens Flake) favoured by the band for wrapping spliffs that after smoking guaranteed your ‘nut’ was gone. Who else but the Small Faces used the London Vernacular?…pure Mod. Proud of their culture and Cockney heritage

As with the previous ‘tribute’ themusicologist aims to let the music talk so hold this piece of London musicology from one of the great English bands…. of personal significence is that it comes from 1968..the year of themusicologist’s birth.

Special request to all the London boys who ‘live up a foreign’…you know who you are. hope this one reminds you of the auld country.

10 thoughts on “musicology #84

  1. Mr Marriott was,in my opinion,a better vocal performer than “Roderney” — hope you’re including “30 days in the hole” in this combo? (interestingly never released as a single here by the Pie)


  2. Might even go so far as to say Mr Marriott is as good a blue eyed soul singer as they come…’30 days’…hadn’t planned it but I must say that I find a request hard to turn down !! can’t make no promise though.

    thanks for the support


  3. from an honest musicologist whose major desire was to deliver quality music that moved people which, he certainly did. Of his contempories only Bowie retained his credibility..especially when you bear in mind his Small Faces ‘replacement’ leopard skin leotard clad Rod ‘Do You Think I’m Sexy’ Stewart who has none.


  4. “leopard skin, leotard clad Rod”….. like it!!
    In a tux he looks even worse… “a right wally” as S.M. would have said.

    (anyone know what A Packet Of Three implied back in the day?… chuckle, chuckle)


  5. from a street rodent who dwells in a foreign,
    1. I will never forget auld father Thames and the streets, places and faces the auld boy winds through.
    As for the boy S Marriot his legacy is there for all to hear, and one that holds true to both his roots and his passions
    for all the “Sundays” spent down the “Crown and Anchor”.
    He will always ignite memories


  6. packet of three .. or ‘jollys’ as there were known in my day !! both terms for ‘rubbers’ .. condoms in other words


  7. On “Crown and Anchors”… from another who dwells in the foreign

    A.D. 1963/4. Friday nights at the “Earl of Derby” with “The Small Faces” playing live on a a tiny stage, in a tiny pub off Grange Rd., Bermondsey (ughhh.. even writing the word jars), in south London ignite more than memories…. history live!!!


  8. “tell me more boy, tell me more”….

    although it can’t have been pre-1965 as they only got together in June of that year..

    still it’s nigh on a 50 stretch that were discussing !!!
    fuckin’ hell, time flies..


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