musicology #89

sixartist, sixtune, sixweekspecial #12

(Humble Pie Feat Steve Marriott – I Need A Star In My Life)

final cut from brother Steve Marriott…difficult choice to make. luckily the man was prolific so there’s enough to choose from but still…tough.

I’m going for a cut taken from the posthumously released and highly recommended ‘Scrubbers Sessions’ released by Tim Hinkley in tribute to Steve. signing off this weeks six/six/six with with a quote from Tim..

“I came back from Steve’s funeral with Bobby Tench, I told him I had this album in my tape storage room..we put it on and it sounded great, it was then that I realised this album really should come out…this record was very special to Steve and if nothing else, it stands as a tribute to his enormous talent”.

lyrics Don Stevie … lyrics …